
Launched in the summer of 1995, the Woodward Dream Cruise was intended as a one-time event showcasing the muscle cars of the past. It was a major success with more than 250,000 spectators.

Ten years later, the Woodward Dream Cruise is going strong and is the single largest celebration of the automobile in the world, boasting 40,000 classic cars and more than one million spectatators.

Event photography poses two major challenges: crowds and weather. This event had both in 2005 and overcoming each required patience and a sense of humor. In order to get the best views of the cars in pristine condition I got started before 7 a.m. and took pictures during the morning set-up prior to the arrival of most spectators. I effectively avoided the crowds but I think that had more to do with the weather – sporadic showers all morning – than time of day.

I am very pleased with the results and I feel the overcast sky and light showers actually enhance the photos.